Codeless EAI for Manufacturing to

  • Simplify Connectivity
  • Streamline Business Processes
  • Reduce Costs
  • Automate Workflows
  • Ensure Traceability

Enterprise Application Integration, made easy: Build and maintain your connectors while minimizing all challenges inherited with the development and use of Software Application connectivity. Lightning-fast compared to customer-coded integrations.

Simplified Implementation

NC-Vision’s codeless platform reduces complexity and avoids the steep learning curves of traditional API tools. Developers easily create and customize connectors, speeding up implementation.

Seamless Integration with Legacy Systems

No more middleware and adapters: Bridge the gap between modern APIs and legacy systems effortlessly, minimizing challenges associated with disparate API support.

Easy Maintenance & Agility

The codeless platform simplifies maintenance and versioning of connectors. Easily update and scale connectors as APIs evolve, ensuring backward compatibility and minimizing disruptions.

See How NC-Vision Customers

  • Save Time
  • Gain Better Insights
  • Reduce Costs
  • Increase Efficiency

Overcome Your Enterprise Software Integration Challenges

Scalability & Performance

Achieve high availability, low latency, and efficient resource utilization with ease. NC-Vision’s platform scales seamlessly and maintains performance under any load.

Freedom from Vendor Lock-In

NC-Vision leverages open standards and protocols to reduce dependencies, offering flexibility without compromising functionality to maximize interoperability.

Cost Efficiency

Save time and resources: The codeless platform eliminates the need for costly development of connectors. Enjoy enterprise-grade features without breaking the bank.

Enhanced Security
Mitigate security risks in API integrations with built-in security measures like authentication, authorization, and encryption, enhancing data integrity and reducing vulnerabilities.
Easy Documentation & Testing

Enjoy well-documented APIs and connector applications, reducing frustration and inefficiencies. Conduct rigorous testing and monitoring for API reliability.

Rate Limiting & Throttling

Manage API usage effectively to prevent abuse and overload with built-in rate limiting and throttling controls. Strike the perfect balance between security and usability.

Empowering Enterprise Connectivity for Manufacturing

As a CIO, you know the challenge of integrating diverse enterprise applications. NC-Vision simplifies this with a manufacturing-focused, codeless platform that enhances connectivity. Say goodbye to complexity, steep learning curves, and lengthy implementations!

Streamline Integration Processes

NC-Vision’s codeless platform removes the need for custom-coded integration, simplifying processes and avoiding the learning curves of typical API tools.

Developers at any skill level can easily create and adjust connectors without extensive training, speeding up implementation.

Simplify Maintenance and Versioning

Easily update and scale connectors as APIs evolve without disrupting existing integrations with NC-Vision’s no-code platform.

Simplify maintenance and versioning to achieve high availability, low latency, and efficient resource utilization effortlessly.

Maximize Efficiency

Connect different applications with ease and maximize interoperability. NC-Vision leverages open standards and protocols, reducing dependencies and offering flexibility without compromising functionality. Save time and resources by eliminating the need for costly development of connectors.

Reduce Data Silos

Easily break down data silos by integrating data across systems, providing unified accessibility and a cohesive data view across users, tasks, departments, and processes.

Get Enterprise-Grade Features

NC-Vision’s codeless platform provides enterprise-grade integration features without the hefty price tag. Say goodbye to middleware and adapters, and bridge the gap between modern APIs and legacy systems with ease.

Codeless EAI, Made for Manufacturing

Are you ready to simplify your enterprise software integration and empower connectivity in your organization?

NC-Vision – More Than Just MES

Compose your unique manufacturing solution out of more than 50 applications, combining WMS, QMS, and Office Management functionalities.

WMS for Manufacturing

Combine with NC-Vision’s complete warehouse management solution with built-in traceability to reduce your inventory levels and picking up times, so production stoppages belong to the past.

Composable Smart Workstations

Become a smart factory by bridging topfloor and shopfloor. Start small with NC-Vision’s versatile Smart Workstations and gain real-time visibility and control – ideal for Digital Worker Guidance, PDC, OEE, and more.

QMS for Manufacturing

Make quality more effective and actionable: Drive growth and always be ready for the next audit with full visibility and control of your quality landscape.